Erwin Rommel rank promotions

Gefreiter July 19, 1910
Entered the army
Unteroffizier October 1, 1910
For excellent service in the 124th (6th Württemberg) Infantry Regiment
Feltwebel March 1, 1911
For excellent service in the 124th (6th Württemberg) Infantry Regiment
Leutnant January 12, 1912
After graduating from military school in Danzig
Oberleutnant September 18, 1915
For the courage shown during the battles he was appointed the company commander
Hauptmann October 18, 1918
For impeccable service during the war
Major October 1, 1933
Over 23 years of service, participation in the war and appointment to the post of battalion commander
Oberstleutnant October 1, 1935
Over 25 years of military service
Oberst October 1, 1937
Over 27 years of military service
Generalmajor August 1, 1939
The position of Hitler’s headquarters commander during the invasion of Poland required an appropriate rank
Generalleutnant February 9, 1941
Getting under command the Expeditionary German Afrika Korps
General der Panzertruppe July 1, 1941
For the defeat of the 7th British Armored Division and receiving under command the personal headquarters in Africa
Generaloberst February 1, 1942
For outstanding military successes in Africa and capturing of Benghazi
Generalfeldmarschall June 21, 1942
For the capture of Tobruk