Named in honor of Erwin Rommel

In honor of the legendary Desert Fox was named a military destroyer. It was built on 22 August 1967 and launched on February 1, 1969. The ceremony was attended by the wife of Erwin Rommel Lucy, she christened the ship. "Rommel" (D187), along with "Lutjens" and "Melders", became the first German Navy warships equipped with guided missiles and were intended primarily to combat the aircraft of the likely enemy - the Warsaw Pact countries.
On 30 September, 1998, the destroyer "Rommel" was withdrawn from service and towed to Wilhelmshaven for parsing to parts for "Lutjens" and "Melders". Then, in 2004, the corps of the destroyer "Rommel" was given for melting in Turkey.

Also, in honor of the great Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, the biggest military barracks of the land forces of the Bundeswehr in Augustdorf City in Germany are named.

There are Erwin Rommel Streets in Düsseldorf, Aalen, Erlangen, and Schwäbisch Gmünd Cities in Germany.

Thanks to an article from "The New York Times" on February 4, 2007, there was information about a man who was really named after the great German Field Marshal. The article tells about the wedding of this man and the story of his relations with his wife.
Mr. Rommel Nombay, a native of New York, like all the men of his family, was named after one of the greatest Field Marshals in history. In his case, this is exactly - Erwin Rommel. At the wedding, on January 20, 2007, there were both families, except for Rommel's father, Napoleon Nombay. His future son, Mr. Rommel and his wife decided to call Patton.

It is a Rommel cafe in German Erfurt. It is possible that the cafe was named not in honor of Erwin Rommel, as the site of the cafe says that the cafe follows the confectionery traditions since 1912, but when it was opened this cafe is not known.

In the El Alamein area in Egypt, there was a "Rommel" cafe. It's no longer exist.

Opposite the beach in Mersa-Matruh in Egypt, before the 2020 pandemic, "Rommel Lagoon" hookah cafe worked. This cafe was abandoned for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the center of the Egyptian city of Mersa-Matruh, a summer hotel for domestic tourists called "Rommel House" was opened in a residential building.

In the Egyptian city of Mersa-Matruh, you can officially see on the map a bay named after Erwin Rommel.

In the Egyptian city of Mersa-Matruh in Rommel Bay there is a beach also named after Erwin Rommel for tourists.

In the Egyptian city of Mersa-Matruh, behind the Erwin Rommel Museum, there is a fishing area named after Erwin Rommel.